EVA Rio Pardo Ranch

Location: Avenida Professor Bento Goncalves Pereira, Paraíba Do Sul/RJ

Year: 2024

Stages: Environmental Feasibility Study (EVA)

Area: 206,34 ha

Work themes: Native Atlantic Forest Vegetation Regeneration, Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), Green Infrastructure, Ecological Corridors

Typology: Private enterprise

Client: Agropecuária Lupita LTDA.

Collaborators: Francisco Hue Arquitetura, Rodrigo Rinaldi E Urban Systems


          The Environmental Feasibility Study (EFS) for the Rio Pardo Ranch encompasses six plots of land located in the municipalities of Paraíba do Sul and Paty do Alferes, RJ, totaling 206.34 hectares. The EFS outlines environmental and landscape guidelines based on a detailed environmental assessment, considering natural attractions, scenic potential, and legal constraints. The study analyzed physical characteristics such as topography, water resources, natural attractions, and legal restrictions. Field visits and technologies like GIS and AutoCAD Civil were used to identify geo-environmental zoning conditions. The proposed guidelines aim to enhance biodiversity, promote water and environmental security, and optimize land use while respecting preserved areas and essential ecological connections.

The Project

        The environmental analysis of the six plots around the Rio Pardo highlighted their potential for projects that support environmental preservation, climate security, and ecosystem service maintenance. These actions can increase property value, create income opportunities, and align with government environmental programs. The land-use guidelines include managing Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) for forest product 

        production, ecotourism, carbon sequestration through reforestation, and planting fruit-bearing and agroforestry species, as well as practicing regenerative agriculture. Occupation guidelines focus on green connections for roads and lots, mitigation of geological risk areas, edge protection with vegetation enrichment, and preservation of native vegetation to support soil regeneration and local biodiversity.

      The environmental analysis of the six plots around the Rio Pardo highlighted their potential for projects that support environmental preservation, climate security, and ecosystem service maintenance. These actions can increase property value, create income opportunities, and align with government environmental programs. The land-use guidelines include managing Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) for forest product production, ecotourism, carbon sequestration through reforestation, and planting fruit-bearing and agroforestry species, as well as practicing regenerative agriculture. Occupation guidelines focus on green connections for roads and lots, mitigation of geological risk areas, edge protection with vegetation enrichment, and preservation of native vegetation to support soil regeneration and local biodiversity.

  Goals and Results


740.000 m² of preserved forest

Green and blue corridors

293.400 m² of restoration of the Marginal Protection Strip and creation of bio-swales

Geological Risk Control

Mitigation measures for 180,000 m² of erosion-prone areas

Increase in tree cover

340.800 m² of vegetation enrichment


4 viewpoints, ecological trails, and 2 scenic contemplation areas


740.000 m² of preserved forest

Green and blue corridors

293.400 m² of restoration of the Marginal Protection Strip and creation of bio-swales

Geological Risk Control

Mitigation measures for 180,000 m² of erosion-prone areas

Increase in tree cover

340.800 m² of vegetation enrichment


4 viewpoints, ecological trails, and 2 scenic contemplation areas

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